Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Passing of Vince Flynn - 47

Today, as I learn of the passing of Vince Flynn, I mourn. Vince Flynn has been, and always shall be, an inspiration to me. His accomplishments served to motivate and encourage me. And even though I never met him, I will miss him.
Mr. Flynn rolled the dice and started writing full time after quitting his job with United Properties, a commercial real estate company, and took a bartending gig so he could write during the day. After sixty-some rejections, he self-publish the book in 1997.

His novel—Term Limits—became a best seller in the Twin Cities. After that, the agents were beating his door down.
Who better to inspire new writers?
I can think of no one.

If you’re not a VinceFlynn fan, do something nice for yourself.
Become one. 

Rest In Peace, Mr. Flynn.

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